I tried measuring the circuit between my solar panel and the controller today, but couldn't get a reading. I was wondering, should a digital multimeter (I have a Fluke 115) be able to read small amounts of current like 2 or 3 amps? My panel should put out a max of 4A in bright sun, but I would like to see what the actual output is in a variety of conditions (bright haze, cloudy, etc).
Has anyone done this or have ideas on an easy way to do it? Will a clamp meter (TRMS) do the job?
I know the system is functioning, because I can measure the voltage inside the trailer (in a 12V socket) and it goes to 14.14V when the panel is hooked up.
Mike G.
Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one's thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants. --Frederick Douglass
photo: Yosemite Valley view from Taft Point