Been using Easy-Off for ... probably .... 50 years or so. Never had a problem with it. I works really great on outside grills and grilling utensils that get greased up and smoked black. Works great in every oven I've ever owned, camper and house.
Spray on, let it sit. Actually, let it sit till it turns to a power. Then just simply wipe clean. It take a day to dry out, but makes cleaning easy. You can wipe it off still wet, but you'll have a black nasty, soapy, greasy, yucky mess until it's all wiped out. Letting it dry and just use paper towel to wipe it out, works good, and minimizes the gooey mess. For more stubborn spots, just spray again, then use a scrubbie. The spot will be small and the mess won't be near as bad.