Wonder if any of the cheapowatt's capacitors could be recycled.
The outputs on the circuit board are basically male quick connects.
When I added 10AWG all I had to do was get new female quick connects and crimp/solder 10AWg to them and slide them over the output terminals.
The only real 'issue' is the Windynation wattmeter itself simply does not like the schumacher. I have a regular GTpower wattmeter that I modified with 8awg, and it has no issues reading correctly when put between Schumacher and battery.
As the WN wattmeter's AH and KWH readings are half of what they should be, although amps and voltage are fairly accurate, I figure it is just a POS, and was good enough for the POS Schumacher on a battery that should have shorted a cell a year ago.
I was just stunned that the ferrite on the outside of a single wire caused such a loud buzz.
The Schumacher keeps me from lugging the Screwy31 to the meanwell or the meanwell to the screwy 31, so I hope the POS holds on.