afidel wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
bikendan wrote:
As far as I know, RV manufacturers don't make control boards!:h
They also don't make the appliances. Kind of like blaming your Home Builder/Contractor for the HVAC system problems. Doug
Exactly, contractor grade, aka **** shoveled out at the lowest price possible meant to last just long enough for the warranty to have not expired. I blame the RV manufacturers because they've squeezed the suppliers to the point where every possible corner is cut, apparently including making a 4 function board that can crash.
Hmm.. This is like the "kettle calling the pot black?"
Perhaps one should look into the mirror and blame THAT person in the mirror?
Ask the question.. How many RV owners have paid or was willing to pay MSRP or even above for their RV?
The forum at times has been polluted with How many percent off BELOW MSRP is a "good" price..
The fault for the junk in RVs is at the consumer level, the manufacturer simply adjusts costs of building a rig to the price points that the consumer is willing to spend and still retain enough profit to pay the workers, suppliers and overhead and yet have a few messily pennies leftover to pay the owners so they too can afford a roof over their heads..
Consumers are also to blame for all of the faulty electronic junk included in the RV by demanding it has all the latest gadgets which allows the owner to never have to get out of bed to turn lights on or off or adjust the temperature..
My RV is barebones and it is reliable, manual pilot light water heater, manual (although digital) non internet T stat for the furnace and manual A/C switch and adjustments.. Lights are on hardwired switches also. Yep, my RV is a 1984 vintage but with simplicity it is much more dependable.