Forum Discussion

afidel's avatar
Explorer II
Jan 06, 2022

Freaking RV manufacturers

Just a small rant, after coming out to my trailer this morning to find it at a balmy 58 degrees I started troubleshooting. Checked for Propane, checked the control circuit, finally pulled the panel to the back of the heater. After checking the electrical was good to the sensors and blower and valve I decided to just hit the reset on the control board. Sure enough that fixed the issue. How do you make a control board that needs to measure 2 sensors and control 2 valves that crashes! I would fail a first year EE student that managed to do something that stupid. Anyway glad that I had 2x electrical heaters under automation control so it didn't get down to freezing in the trailer last night, while the pipes are winterized I have a bunch of food in jars in the pantry because I like to make myself lunch without going into the house.