Kayteg1 wrote:
How can you swim in 70's ?
When I was active in water-skiing, I figured out I need at least 100F air to not shake each time I get wet. Fact that in California nights are always much colder, so we had camp fire almost every night.
Coming to my refrigerator.
Now that it got warmer before noon the refrigerator went up to 55F and I have Wi-Fi probe so I don't open the door.
Freezer stays at 5F.
102F outside and camper gets sun on front.
I am not comfortable with those temperatures, but don't have much choice.
That is true, I miss having a good swim in the inland sea. As an old man I need the water in the high 80s like luke warm bathwater. I believe the surface temps are catching up but a few feet down is freezing still.