dougrainer wrote:
5 days ago he posted he was a fulltimer and could not move the unit and his furnace did not work and he stated he would have to fix the furnace himself. NOW, he states the furnace worked and burned his RV to the ground. Coincidence? I doubt it. Doug
Well I guess we need to learn to read first and ask more before we come to conclusions. The RV didn't burned :(. Yes the furnace was working after all your guys tips and recommendations thank you for that, but it was just dust, after I blew all the fuzzies away the furnace worked. After that we notice smoke coming from it and decided to take it out to find out what was going on I even took it to a dealer to get it tested in case that was the motor but all was just find. When I was getting ready to install the furnace is when I notice the burned mark on the linoleum and plywood under the furnace and the reason for the smoke. If you have more questions let me know