JiminDenver wrote:
Did you disconnect the panels before moving it? I have hot swapped them between banks before without issue but hook it up backwards once and that fuse pops instantly. ( good thing too)
Yes, I built a wooden tray for the 230w panel to go on the front roof of the truck camper. The tray is strapped down around the "nose" of the camper that hangs above the truck's cab. Plus a bungee to the fridge vent. (The panel is held in the tray by pieces that screw down across the frame corners clear of the cells)
I haul the panel up with a rope and put it in the tray. The panel to controller wires hang down the side of the camper (braided with one of the straps to be ok in the wind) and go in the shore power cable hatch.
The Eco-W in the camper has its battery wires with battery clamps for easy connect/disconnect that go on copper pipes attached to the battery posts. The array wires go on the Eco-W last and come off first when it is time to move the Eco-W and the panel back to the 5er. The tray stays on the camper, but could be unstrapped and taken down anytime.
I don't know what I did to blow that fuse, but thank goodness it has a fuse so I could fix it. Same thing with my multimeter now. I finally got the more expensive kind with the fuse instead of the cheap no fuse kind that I kept frying going back and forth between amps and volts checking Voc and Isc. I think I am ahead now in multimeter costs replacing fuses instead of whole meters. :)
PT, yes the induction coil is quite large-looking on the circuit board. I didn't measure it. There is a link somewhere to a photo of that coil or else it was one of JiminDever's vidoes.