smkettner wrote:
I would either have it repaired by a pro or replace the tank.
No way am I going to "see what works" on a gasoline tank.
Finally, some semblance of sanity..
Folks, for goodness sakes, you ARE messing around with a highly flammable liquid fuel!!
You are also dealing with a fuel tank that by the Fed requirements IS PRESSURIZED in order for the Evap system to work correctly.
You are playing a dangerous game if for any reason the "fix" fails either in an accident or sitting in traffic.
That "fix" will be very weak at best and once the glue becomes unstuck has the potential to spray fuel.. Lots of HOT as in RED HOT parts under the chassis.. Things like exhaust pipes, cat converters and such.. Wouldn't take much spraying fuel hitting a hot exhaust pipe to roast your vehicle!
As much as it hurts, SPEND the stupid money and get a NEW TANK!!!
You do realize that your vehicle insurance MAY have picked up part of the cost for a new tank? If you have comprehensive coverage the insurance company might have actually payed for the repair minus the deductible.. Had a few windshields replaced that way over the years myself due to getting rocked..