Surely it's not about the gasoline but rather the additives and octane rating!? A little methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE anyone)? No? Then how 'bout a little methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl, ethylene dibromide or 2,4-Dimethyl-6-tert-butylphenol? Mmmm... :B
PEX is a form of HDPE. HDPE is used for containers for gasoline and things we drink from like milk & juice. PEX is highly inert and gasoline will not react with it, dissolve it or adhere to it. The FW tank is most likely HDPE and same thing. Note that your piping system can have fittings that are made from another type of plastic (can't recall the type).
As for the myriad of additives, I did a quick google search and came up with nothing on flushing gasoline containing them from PEX or any potential issues. I did find tho. that some PEX can leach MTBE from it in the first month or two. And some PEX can apparently smell like gasoline.
I think you'll be just fine flushing with some soapy water as mentioned above. If still concerned, do some googling or possibly contact your local health dept.
I had a grandmother who according to my dad used to drink kerosene from time to time... :E She was from the era when kerosene lamps were common so it was readily available. And she lived to a ripe old age!
But c'mon man, we all gotta know how this happened!!