That's a rather strangely wired generator, from what I can tell. I think it has two independent 120V outputs, and the switch presumably either puts them (apparently paralleled and going through the 46A breaker) to the 120V outlets or couples them in series to the 240V twist-lock outlet (protected by the 23A breaker). If that's the case, there's nothing (other than the stickers) preventing you from drawing 40+ amps from one of the 120V 15/20A sockets.
If that is indeed the wiring, it should be possible without too much work to wire it with a 120/240 outlet of some sort and connect a 50A RV directly. (This would be a four wire socket of one of the appropriate types, be it twist-lock or whatever.) I just wonder why they didn't do that in the first place and have the generator be permanently 120/240V, which seems to be the standard way of doing things.
Maybe the internal construction is quite different than I'm guessing, and the voltage selector switch is doing something like setting the voltage regulator or field voltage or something else really weird.
Edit: Just to be clear, you absolutely cannot connect a 50A RV to the existing 240V socket and expect things to work and remain undamaged.