hud60 wrote:
does anyone know if I can pair a 2021 onan gen. prepped 5th wheel with a Honda 6500 generator? could a knowlable electrician be able to do this?
With like model inverter generators parallel kits exist and work because the SECOND one to start senses the phase of the current and locks into it.. They are designed to do that.
But if that ONAN is a regular generator and the Honda an Inverter job.. NO paralleling is not possible because where as the INverter generators maintain a constant crystal controlled frequency and use assorted means to lock to each others
The frequency will vary with load on the regular generator
And if both are standard generators (not inverter) it's even worse.
Now. on big enough generators there is a way to do it.. Professional power plants do it that way.. but I won't even risk explaining how to phase lock generators.. I know how, in THEORY but have never done it.