seraphim wrote:
It's not the smallewr attage I've been looking at, but the number of amps after the mppt converts the current from, let's say, 39 volts to 12. I may be wrong, but it seems to me the charging amps being pushed into the battery is the key factor. Am I wrong?
Doing the math, I've been finding single high voltage panels which - after the dc to dc conversion - put out the same or slightly higher amperage than a group of 100 watt 12v
Basically, MPPT does Watts in = Watts out; less operating efficiency.
Nominally speaking, if your battery is accepting 30A at 14V, then 30A*14V=420W will be drawn from the array.
At 14V, up to 480W/14V=34A can be drawn from the array.
The actual array Watts will be governed by temperature, tilt and insolation.