seraphim wrote:
To run 24 volt panels on my available space limits me to one panel about 300 watts (that I've found so far. The 100 AM solar panels (12v) are the only ones narrow enough to fit multiple panels. Supposing I could run two series of three I'd get 300 watts at 24 volts. I could find a 36 v panel at 300 watts which also fit the area. These are my options. Can't do four 24v 100watt panels - that I've found. Or am I misunderstanding you?
Is 36v 300 watts better than 24v 300 watts? I originally thought so, now I don't know.
I thought I understood the possibilities of higher voltage panels, now I feel confused again. Sounds like I'm getting different feedback from different people; sometimes from the same person lol.
I thought the 100W panels were 12V nominal. If so, then:
12 + 12 + 12 in series = a 36V panel at 300Watts. Two of those in parallel is 36V and 600 Watts and a perfect match for the MPPT 45.
4 x 12 in series = 48V and 400W. Two of these in parallel is 48V and 800W and a perfect match for the MPPT 60. Plus even thinner wiring!