Here is how I calculate max amps per watt of panel for deciding how much amps the controller and its fuse needs.
with PWM you get Isc of the panel and you are supposed to allow for 20% more. 130w panel gets 8.2 isc. it is proportional.
this means your 20a PWM controller can handle about 250w of array and be within the 20% margin.
OTOH, it seems that MPPT controllers clip their amps at max rating so you can ignore that 20% margin.
It seems that within the usual operating range of 13-14.4 batt voltages, MPPT might maybe get you 8% more than PWM maybe.
Here, you can get 12v panels for 1.08/w. they are a bit more in the States due to the tariff on Chinese stuff. Somebody on here in the States said they paid 160 for a 100 (wow!)