Forum Discussion

rocmoc's avatar
Jan 01, 2015

Inverter/charger battery type setup question.

So I am replacing my old house batteries that came with the MH. Wanted to make sure Inverter/Charger is setup correctly to max the life of the new batteries. In the operations manual for Inverter/Charger under setup, you input type of the batteries. I have no problem with type but there is a setup for Wet below 80 degrees or Wet above 80 degrees. I am in both temps nearly equally thu out the year. Had the old batteries set on Wet under 80 degrees. What would you do; under 80, above 80 or change the setup with the seasons?

rocmoc n AZ/Mexico
  • rocmoc wrote:
    or change the setup with the seasons?

    Yes change with the seasons.

    If we knew the inverter/charger model number we could dig in a little more for better answers.
  • pianotuna wrote:

    What is the average temperature you RV in? Set the charger for that value. Myself, I'd favor the above 80 setting as it is a little safer. It would mean longer charge times, so it depends on how the recharging is being done. Most of mine is done via solar. If it were generator I'd pick the below 80 setting.

    Batteries are in an outside compartment. We camp in freezing weather and nearly 100 degrees but almost always Sunny! At this time gen but hopefully solar later this year.

    rocmoc n AZ/Mexico
  • wolfe10 wrote:
    Unless you have an inverter/charger with optional battery temperature probe and it is installed, you will need to re-program for temperature at least twice a year. Should not take more than 20 seconds.

    Did have the optional temp probe at one time but not installed. Thanks will pull the manual and look into. Hopefully I can find the probe, has been a while.

    rocmoc n AZ/Mexico
  • Hi,

    What is the average temperature you RV in? Set the charger for that value. Myself, I'd favor the above 80 setting as it is a little safer. It would mean longer charge times, so it depends on how the recharging is being done. Most of mine is done via solar. If it were generator I'd pick the below 80 setting.
  • Unless you have an inverter/charger with optional battery temperature probe and it is installed, you will need to re-program for temperature at least twice a year. Should not take more than 20 seconds.