Mar 31, 2015Explorer
Latest Equalize Charging w 20 Amp Solar Charge controller

NOTICE: Disconnect battery from RV before trying this, you don't want to damage any on board electronics with charging with voltages this high!
I have this unit hooked up to 150W poly solar panel, 18.0V and 8.3 Amps rating Imp.
Just fiddled with this particular 20 Amp PWM Solar charge controller that I bought on Amazon, for around $32.50
20 amp solar charge controller
and found that it can be adjusted to 16.0V to do an equalize charge on my T-1275. Which means no more fiddling out with switching wires to do that every 10 to 12 day Equalize charge any more, Like I used to have to do on my Solar 30.
Today's equalize got up to 15.91V before it started falling again, measured at the battery terminals with my Digital Multimeter, after 1 hour and 6 minutes, on my Trojan T-1275.
I set the voltage down to 13.2 V after it reached that, a float voltage.
Might be worth looking in to this unit if you have a fussy to charge battery like a Screwy 31, or a T-1275, something car jar shaped for a battery instead of golf cart or unrestricted design considerations like tall batteries in industrial applications, like Mena 661.
I usually perform this special function before going on a camping trip, and when I get back with the TT to the storage yard, before putting away for a while.