NinerBikes wrote:
otrfun wrote:
coolmom42 wrote:
NinerBikes wrote:
Might just be easier/cheaper to pair another Honda Eu2000i with cables to run the A/C, both of them in Eco mode. Or a Yamaha EF2400Is model, solo.
This is a very good point. You could sell the Champion to subsidize another Honda.
I tried just what you both suggested. Had a Champion 3100 (paid $750) that ran/started my 13.5k BTU a/c just fine with the ECO mode on. Wanted something a bit quieter and purchased two, new EU2000i's for $1900 figuring these two puppies would be the end-all solution--tons of power, quiet--woo-hoo! Well, as it turned out, the two EU2000i's paralleled would not start this same 13.5k BTU a/c with the ECO mode on---discovered the Champion 3100 produces more inrush current than two EU2000i's paralleled (with the ECO mode on and off).
The Champion 3100 with the ECO mode on (which results in a reduction in sound level when the a/c compressor turns off) ended up being quieter, less irritating, overall (IMO), than the two EU2000i's running full-throttle continuously with the ECO mode off.
Interesting... because I run a Dometic 13.5k, nothing special on my 2 Honda Eu2000i's in Eco mode off, only to start the AC the first time, then once the AC is running, eco mode goes on for both units, and both my gennies loaf along then... the big grunt is starting up the AC, the surge, but once running, it draws 10 to 11 amps, tops, easy for a pair of Eu2000i's to handle that in eco mode on.
Next step for you, if you already still have the Honda's is to get an easy start capacitor for your model AC. I would also look into getting some heavier wiring... Is one of your Eu2000i's a Honda Companion model with the 30 amp jack plug in, or are they both standard Eu2000i's with 15 amp normal wall sockets?
NinerBikes, I'm glad your EU2000i's work for you (with the ECO mode on); however, I get the impression they're right "on the edge" of doing so.
Good point about the start cap. My Dometic 13.5k BTU a/c is an OEM unit that came without a start capacitor. I tried installing a couple of Supco/Dometic PTCR's, and even tried the more expensive Dometic 3102903.006 start kit (originally for the Onan 2.8) with the outboard coil relay. Although there was a reduction in inrush/startup current, it wasn't enough to allow the two EU2000i's to start the Dometic with the ECO mode on. And yes, I was using the L5 30 amp outlet on the companion model along with a short, 10 ft. 10 gauge power cable. I'm confident I had very little internal wiring loss because there were minimal differences in inrush current readings at the a/c unit itself vs. the generator output.
Have to admit going through the aforementioned process was pretty frustrating. Already had the $750 Champion 3100 (although a tad louder than I preferred) which powered my Dometic 13.5k BTU a/c effortlessly with the ECO mode on. Then to spend $1900 only to discover a pair of EU2000i's could not. In any case, it all worked out because I got my $1900 back via Craiglist in less than an hour. There's no disputing the reputation, demand, and resale value of a Honda generator!
FWIW, I mentioned this in a post several months ago, but was bit surprised that it received very little fanfare. Although paralleling two EU2000i's doubles the "continuous" current output, there is only a 10-15% increase in inrush current output (vs. one EU2000i). Gotta wonder why.
IMO, the continuous (and "surge") rating always advertised by manufacturers is really moot for the average RV'r. As I've said before, one EU2000i is capable of "running" the vast majority of RV a/c units . . . IF it could start 'em. The realworld limiting factor is inrush current capability.