C is the amp hours at the 20 hour rate.
So if you can draw 5 amps off a battery for 20 hours before it hits ZERO. that's a 100 amp hour battery.. WARNING not all batteries display their 20 hour rate (Example follows)
So for a 100 amp battery 1% C is 1 amp. that simple.
Now the warning
I know of some companies (Walmart) that use the 1 amp discharge rate.
How long, at one amp. till toast (Zero) This gives their batteries much higher amp hours on the label.
How to tell (Lead acid batteries other than Optma)
Group 24 is around 70-75AH
Group 27 just under 100
Group 29 Just over 100.. NOTE this may vary brand to brand
Group 31 about 130
GC-2 (Golf car) Varies but 220 give or take 15
4D or 8D are about the same as GC-2 but 12 volt (Hernia bate if you try to lift one.. Well perhaps not. I could lift one.. I think)
If you see a Group 27 with say 150 amp hours.. It's likely at the 1 hr rate.
Optional reading and I can't believe I got it on the first search.
If you want to know more about why the lower discharge rate gives higher capacity
Click on this Wikepedia link