Forum Discussion

HiTech's avatar
Dec 14, 2012

Measuring solar yield approaching winter solstice

I need to get a temporary setup on the RV roof to measure solar yield around the winter solstice.

How deeply discharged will I need to get my 85 Ah battery so that it allows pretty full production from one 68w panel without clipping it and skewing the amp hour charging numbers? I am ok living with the battery only being charged up to 90 percent daily for a week or 10 days.

I was thinking daily yield on a sunny day might be 10 Ah max in Houston for a flat 68w 16.5 v panel? 15 Ah? I am not sure how much penalty there is for a flat orientation for a full sunny day. I get only short periods mod full sun in the backyard.

I am planning to leave some small load on to try to balance charging to usage.

It's not trivial to mount a thin film panel temporarily. I am thinking a big battery on a board on one end and a big but flat board on the other end unless I can find a hunk of metal maybe 1/2" thick. Cannot have any shadow cast on the south end.
