theoldwizard1 wrote:
Gjac wrote:
If you have a HF mulimeter there is a pot inside that will adjust the voltage readings. I use my B&D charger and adjust the voltage reading on my HF meter to match it. I have about 4 meters that I use in the RV,house and car now that all read the same now.
Good start, but there is no guarantee that they will stay in sync across the whole range.
If you work in an electronics lab, there are two classifications of equipment; "estimate only" and "calibrated", typically once a year.
Your right, I tested mine at a lower voltage and it was off .01 volts, so I calibrate mine for my battery voltage 12 + volts. To send my meters out for calibration would cost more than my meters are worth, so to monitor battery voltage it is good enough. If I worked as an electronic technician and needed an accurate meter everyday for my job I would buy a Fluke.