Based on the above video, I installed one of the JC Refidgeration 12v compressor unit in my Norcold N-821.
1. keep the cabinetry and box the same
2. Runs on 12 volts and does not require propane.
3. Much better performance in really hot weather.
4. Relatively easy to install.
Biggest problem for me was getting the refer out of the trailer, fortuately my neighbors son was here and could help me. We leaned the hard way to remove the doors and all shelves first...DUH.:S
We used the refer on a trip to AZ where the tems were over 100 every day and it worked fine.
I measure the draw on my batteries constantly and the fridge uses 8.5 amps.
I must mention that I have 1100 watts of solar and 400 Ahrs of lithium batteries.
We are sold on the conversion. :)
BTW the unit was cheeper than a replacement adsorbsion cooling unit.