CA Traveler wrote:
Harvard wrote:
The N to G voltage of 1.3VAC would be abnormal if there is very little current in the Neutral wire. So if there is little or no Neutral current then that 1.3 VAC N to G is likely the problem.
There are multiple circuits on the CG distribution center and those circuits contribute to the N to G voltage difference. Meanwhile your circuit can have 0A and show a 1.3V voltage difference.
So a 1.3V difference does not indicate a problem unless you know the entire circuit configuration.
BTW Trailers often have additional jacks touching the ground as welll as many MHs.
You are absolutely right if there are multiple services where the neutrals are daisy chained. In this case the OP has stated he has a 30Amp supply at his house. I have incorrectly assumed he has not daisy chained this service.