anon125 wrote:
I would never have thought it was this complicated!
In most cases it wouldn't be but good grief, look at all that plumbing attached to the pump's intake! :E Your first step should be to physically isolate the pump itself from whatever it's currently mounted to, even if that means relocating it. Secondly, I'd extend the output hose
significantly as I described earlier, then if necessary insert some soft wall tubing between the pump and whatever that mess is that's currently attached to the pump's intake in your pic. Geez, with an installation like this no wonder it's noisy! :S
FWIW, yesterday and this morning I sanitized and pressurized my own trailer's water system in preparation for our first camping trip of the season and using these methods which I detailed in my first post I can barely hear the pump run, just as shown in my video. :B