I have the Norcold Polarmax 2118 in my 2016 Bighorn. Today, in humid weather after a heavy downpour, the fridge started beeping with the dreaded li op code.
I had this code once when the rig was new, and found insulation blocking the vent. Cleared the vent, cleared the switch with a magnet and all good.
This time I just turned the fridge off and on and it resumed normal operation.
Any ideas???????
2016 Heartland Bighorn 3270RS
2010 Carriage Cameo 32-FwS
2008 Carriage Cameo
2006 Keystone Cougar
2005 Keystone Zeppelin
1999 Coachmen Catalina
2017 Ford F350 Powerstroke
Curt Q25
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock