mike-s wrote:
Jim_Arndt wrote:
Wow, ok, so the fuse would not blow? There is a 5 amp fuse on the powerboard, and a circuit breaker at the main ac panel.
The fridge won't draw more than 5 A normally, so that's the fuse size. It might try to pull, say, 4 A, but instead of powering the fridge, the power goes into the resistance of the bad connection, which heats up. 4 A @ 12 V is 48 watts, and confined to a small area that equals lots of heat. It's not quite that simple, but the concept is close enough.
Any time smoke comes from the area of a connection, suspect a bad connection. It may not have been the screw terminal, it could also be a crimped connection. Kinda hard to tell from the photo, not enough resolution.
I think if there was a direct short, it would of been enough current to pop the breaker.
I updated the link in the original post, with a before picture and a picture of a new powerboard. I'm not at the boat, but it looks like norcold has a special plug that goes over the spade connector on the powerboard, not sure? Also, yes the cable is clamped, you can see this clearly in the before picture.
A screw down type of clamping connector on the powerboard, similar to what you see on an AC circuit breaker, would of prevented this fire.
Link to pics: