The crude supply is flooding the earth. Billions of barrels in Australia will feed the far east. Brasil has enough crude to war with Venezuela and supply the refinery on Aruba for 10,000 years. The USA is exporting crude. Russia is sitting on FOUR QUADRILLION BARRELS of recoverable crude. Hundred million barrel reserve just discovered on land in England. Add that to the North Sea BP reserves. The king of Saudi Arabia says the days of hundred dollar crude can "never happen again"
Build a 500,000 barrel a day refinery in Puerto Rico. They would love the jobs.
Like the 4-trillion karat diamond deposit with gemstones far superior to anything coming from Africa, the Russians have their mitts on the diamond supply for the next 100,000 years.
Greed has caught up to the hucksters. The El Boleo mine here in Baja California has introduced a 70,000 ton finished copper addition to the world supply. The chinese have determined Australia has enough copper to feed the world for 3,000 years.
Artificial shortages hurt poor people. The manipulators however stand a good chance of incurring lead poisoning...