laknox wrote:
Krusty wrote:
I have been having the same issue with my fridge of the same vintage. I took the fridge out and set it on the ground and flipped it over several times and gave it a good shake on each side and while upside down. I put it back in and it is cooling again. I had to do this once in the past for the same issue and it had worked good up until recently. And that was in 2006. Didn't cost anything and the fridge is pretty easy to get out. May work in your situation too
Hmmm... I'll mention that. I totally spaced out that I did that in my old Komfort! The classic "burping" the fridge. :-)
Did you turn it upside down and back upright multiple times?
Yup, I did. I rolled it end over end several times and it spent time on each surface and got a good shake each time. I could hear the refrigerant sloshing around in there every time.