BFL13 wrote:
I sure don't need to strap my laptop to the controller and do a bunch of geeky stuff
Nobody does. When firmware (the geeky software that is "firmly" embedded into controller) is well composed, it does this all. I never connect laptop to my controller, don't feel any need. My controller display is enormously informative. Though, even with less informative display of Tristar you wouldn't have much need for a laptop after you've set it up.
Some other people are having fun downloading all the weekly, daily etc graphs for output, you are doing this with a notepad and pencil when you feel like. Either way this is just an R&D, a fun. Not something "necessary".
Your Eco firmware has limited features, so it can't generate these graphs - no big deal. Some other limitations of this charger seem more important to me. Like those you mention in the end of your post - zero Abs time and thus the need to choose between either +14V for the rest of the day (I don't like this, be it storage or camping), or instant transition to +13V Float after it hits V Abs (acceptable for storage, and not good for when camping).