SoundGuy wrote:
wopachop wrote:
Who cares if you call it co2 or CO.
Obviously anyone who cares to live should also care to call deadly carbon monoxide gas by it's correct name as not caring can be deadly. :E By your argument one could post they just bought a new banana and want to know if they can safely tow it with their 1/2 ton ton truck. Good grief, calling anything by it's correct name is obviously important. :S
Try not to have a heart attack SG--you can't win these things. Look how people say "sunk" and "shrunk" when they mean "sank" and "shrank"-- it is so cringe-worthy. More to your point, "they" have taken to say "pesticides" when they mean "herbicides"
Don't get me going on how somehow it became ok to use "careening" instead of "careering". How stupid is that?
Must be the same people who translated "chaise longue" into "lounge chair" and that river in Oregon from "Rouge" to "Rogue". Can't be helped.
Then there are those who keep writing "tow the line" and "hair brained" (Toe the line is how merchant sailors had to step forward to get paid, and of course a hare is a rabbit) How about "baited breath" --is that some kind of fishing thing? Nobody knows what "bated" means apparently.
Oops, now I might have a heart attack! :(