We live in a society where we praise "common sense", where opinions are more important than facts and where scientists are viewed as absent minded eggheads.
There is a huge difference between CO and CO2. CO is extremely hazardous and can quickly kill. CO2 is basically harmless unless there is so much that it has displayed all the oxygen in the air. That difference alone is one reason we might care. Another is the appreciation of just basic high school level science.
Location of detectors can be important. Smoke detectors work best when they are located high in the center of a room. If you have ever seen smoke in a room it is easy to understand why. The smoke rises, travels across the ceiling and only slowly mixes with the air. Propane is heavier than air. We cannot see it but it sinks, travels across the floor and slowly mixes with air. Propane detectors should be placed near the floor again in relatively central areas of the room away from corners and dead spaces.
The CO detector can be placed in any location, at any height. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21536403
Location is not important because CO diffuses and mixes with air extremely rapidly.