I've been trying to add this to the existing thread for the last three days but have been unable to. Does the forum block posts to 'old' threads? The thread had fallen off the top 4 pages. It doesn't matter... I just realized that there was a percent sign in my message - that's the 'reason' it wouldn't post.
Continuing on trying to make my brakes work and correcting problems:
I tried the compass method today. DW was pressing the brake pedal on the truck - 2 seconds on 2 seconds off - while I moved the compass around. I tried it on the wheel side and the backplate side - I couldn't get any reaction. Wonder what I was doing wrong. Suggestions?
I decided to do the ear test - the front 4 wheels hummed but the back two didn't.
Turns out when I did the repair I mentioned earlier in 'this' thread, I didn't hook up the rear axle properly.
Now I'll have 50 percent more braking power. I hope I'll be able to take the pedal gain adjustment off 10.