ItsyRV wrote:
I replaced both the overflow and vapor valves myself. As others have said, it's not that hard but you do need to follow a few precautions.
(snip good stuff...)
My last advice is make sure you have a good way to loosen and properly tighten the new valve as they can be a bear to remove and can take some leverage to tighten. I was told by my supplier that the valve opening are ever so slightly tapered and does require some ompf to fully seat. It was harder to remove the old overfill (seemed like they use some alien made bonding sealer) than it was to install the new one with modern sealers.
Also think about what tools you're using and whether they might possibly produce sparks. I personally know of a case where a building burned to the ground because the propane delivery truck driver had a bit of trouble disconnecting the truck from the tank and used a metal hammer on the wrench to jar it loose. The hammer struck a spark, and from there things took their course. Thankfully no one was injured in the blaze. (The driver was not operating according to company policy, incidentally, which as I recall required the use of a wooden mallet for such cases for that very reason.)