I have 3 honda Generators. 2 of them are EU2000i's with 100cc motors, and one of them is a EU1000i, with a 49cc motor, and a really small carb. Techron works on the Eu2000i's, stops the surging, but in my experience, nothing, short of pulling the float bowl off the carb on the EU1000i and blowing it out with carb cleaner in all the jet orfices, both main, pilot and idle jets, and letting it soak, really gets rid of the motor hunting and searching under hard or heavy loads. The EU2000i's have carbs and jets probably double the size of that little 50cc motor on the EU1000i. I have relegated myself to just storing the EU1000i with the carb bowl drained dry, completely. I drain the whole fuel tank, then run the motor until it runs out of fuel, then I choke the motor, and pull the starter 4 or 5 more times, to suck every last bit of fuel out of all the jets, then store it away.
YMMV, but with boat motors, I've never had a problem with any Honda outboard that I ran dry out of fuel before storage using this method of choking the motor once it ran out of fuel, and giving the starter a few more pulls.
I notice less problems with fuel when I buy gas in smaller markets, smaller towns, and not in big cities. I do live in the CARB state, it's amazing the cr*p they do to our fuel for clean air, understandable with everyone wants a big gas motor that will do zero to 60 in under 5 seconds on their daily driver. The gas needs of the tiny little weed whacker, dust blower or gas lawn mower, due to storage considerations, are quite a bit different.