^^^What gat said!!!^^^ Your compressor MAY be bad but check Capacitor first. Lest you think my reply is redundant, please understand that there will ALWAYS be a RUN Capacitor serving the compressor. There may/may not be a Starting Capacitor (aka Start Kit, Hard Start Kit...) but it won't start or run if the RUN cap is bad. With POWER OFF, do a visual inspection. Should be a Compessor (might be marked "HERM" for Hermetically Sealed) Run Cap and a Fan Run Cap. Maybe in one "can" or two separate ones, usually aluminum. See if they appear bloated like a canned soda that froze. There's also a little relief port on top by the terminals. Look and see if something has oozed out. Better of course is to get a replacement cap or a meter that reads Capacitance (uF or MFD on the meter spec and switch).
Compressor Run Cap will be around 45 MFD. Fan Run Cap will be around 7 MFD. If there IS a Start Cap it'll be around 100 MFD, probably plastic, and connected across the Compressor Start Cap.
Can you look it over and get back with us?