Dec-24-2017 09:03 AM
Dec-26-2017 07:07 AM
dougrainer wrote:
This comment is ridiculous. LP is under extreme pressure and is a Freezing Liquid when filling. A ten year old can put Gasoline in a car. An untrained ANY AGE could not correctly/Safely fill LP in a DOT tank or Motorhome ASME tank. There should NEVER be "Spilled" LP at any time. Slight vapor yes. Doug
Dec-26-2017 06:33 AM
Dec-25-2017 04:22 PM
RJsfishin wrote:
Yeah, well, you;re all so dam smart here, but you don't know much.
Self propane fill is nothing new, I always used one nearly 20 yrs ago, and that was in Manteca CA. And there were others too that I'm not familar w/. Of course I have to prove it don't I, because I'm always the idot here.
Call Kamps Propane Service, in Manteca CA,.....yes they are still in business. I think they quit the self serve, not sure for what reason. But it was legal in CA then, so it was probably legal in all 50 states, doncha think ??
Buncha dam knowitalls !!
Dec-25-2017 04:12 PM
Kayteg1 wrote:MrWizard wrote:
Should the avg person be capable of filling an LP cylinder?
Beside couple of states, we all do fill up our gasoline, don't we?
Way more danger in that.
I bet you have seen lot of propane spilled left and right at the station?
Try to spill gasoline around?
Dec-25-2017 04:07 PM
parkmanaa wrote:
ANY un-licensed person caught dispensing propane in the USA would be subject to a heavy fine, as well as owner of the equipment.
Am almost certain they are putting in the self-service tank EXCHANGE, which has become so popular in our area.
Also, though not quite as certain, would bet it is for 20 lb. cylinders only.
Dec-25-2017 03:33 PM
MrWizard wrote:
Should the avg person be capable of filling an LP cylinder?
Dec-25-2017 03:30 PM
Dec-25-2017 07:13 AM
Dec-25-2017 07:08 AM
wa8yxm wrote:
And today there is more.. For example, Did you know that some propane cylinders indicate that the owner is a CRIMINAL.. yes the propane cylinder says so. Or at least gives enough indication to seek a search warrant for where the cylinder was used..
Dec-25-2017 06:58 AM
Dec-25-2017 06:09 AM
Dec-25-2017 05:34 AM
drsteve wrote:mobeewan wrote:rockylarson wrote:
We can't even fill our own gasoline tanks in New Jersey. You think they will trust us with propane....?
Filling gas tanks has nothing to do with trust. It's all about the uuunions. Someone gets paid to fill your gas tank. The uuunions want more members they can steal money from.
Except that law was lobbied for by gas station station owners, long ago, because of safety concerns.
If you like weekends, thank a union member.
Dec-25-2017 05:03 AM
mobeewan wrote:rockylarson wrote:
We can't even fill our own gasoline tanks in New Jersey. You think they will trust us with propane....?
Filling gas tanks has nothing to do with trust. It's all about the uuunions. Someone gets paid to fill your gas tank. The uuunions want more members they can steal money from.
Dec-25-2017 03:01 AM
mobeewan wrote:rockylarson wrote:
We can't even fill our own gasoline tanks in New Jersey. You think they will trust us with propane....?
Filling gas tanks has nothing to do with trust. It's all about the uuunions. Someone gets paid to fill your gas tank. The uuunions want more members they can steal money from.
Dec-24-2017 06:47 PM