Your Ford is isolated from the Trailer when the switch is off. There maybe 12V going to the 7 pin from the trailer. But unless some one rewired the switch. It is going no farther. Same when not on shore power. the trailer draws no power from the truck as long as the switch is off. Ford has had that feature for years. Last I heard. GM, and Ram are doing that now as well.
One way to find out. Get a tester, leave the switch off, and test the battery charging pin on the 7 pin. If it doesn't light up. Good to go.
BTW. Fords also come with a relay that you have to install to activate the batter charging pin. unless you install the relay. the truck will not charge the trailer battery when running.
The relay is in a pack some where in the truck, along with a brake controler wiring harness. it could be in the dash, console or in the jack compartment.