Naio wrote:
These are interesting ideas!
The original roof, which is now bent, is two layers of metal. The top layer is the corrugated layer closest to the level, The lower layer is not corrugated.
They aren't consistent distance apart, along the whole span. In the center of the span they are maybe an inch and a quarter apart and then at the edges they are touching.
So if I were to put some kind of stiffening at the lip I would have to fabricate a complex shape to stick between the two layers of metal. Not impossible. I have a bunch of insulation foam board that I might can do it with. Or maybe I could just spray a bunch of great stuff in there?
I bet it would pretty much just smush (technical engineering term) together. The angle iron will stay straight and the flat iron can be a bit wavy and still be strong. More bolts will be better than less.