it might work, but my take on it is if your going to go through the trouble to mount a panel on the roof, go with as big of a panel or two even and use solar while your camping also. I have four 6V GC batteries on my 5th wheel with three older panels giving me 480 watts of solar and I never worry about power if I am not using a bunch of 120V apliances. I am going to upgrade them though as I want to be aboe to run my bar fridge in the outdoor kitchen.
I would say if you can get two good panels with a MPPT controler you'll be laughing, but for just keeping the batteries topped up a 100 will probably work.
as for leaks, I drilled pilot holes into my studs, put sealant into the holes and on the bottoms of the brackets and then screws the mounts down, then I put self leveling over the tops of the brackets, if any moisture gets through that somthing is wrong.. it then just becomes part of your yearly roof check and fix the self leveling if it needs it.