Jun-04-2018 03:21 PM
Jun-05-2018 06:57 PM
Jun-04-2018 08:00 PM
Jun-04-2018 06:31 PM
Jun-04-2018 06:09 PM
Jun-04-2018 05:29 PM
Jun-04-2018 05:19 PM
Jun-04-2018 05:10 PM
MrWizard wrote:
i think instead of buying something not yet on the market
i would have bought a mini split for the horse TT, about the same price point?
already exists , don't have to remove window and fabricate special mount
better EER
3/4 TON aka 9000BTU, 15 SEER, $519, available NOW
yes a 2000 should run any small window unit
mini splits google search
Jun-04-2018 05:07 PM
Jun-04-2018 04:51 PM
With quicksilver my rear bedroom is quite a bit larger than 72x80. And one Goldstar 5,000 BTU will reduce temps from the mid nineties and 75% R/H to mid seventies and 60% R/H. When I'm sleeping the toilet paper just has to endure somehow as do the canned peas and sofa cushions. likewise in the afternoon, the bed mattress has to suffer when I am not in the bedroom. I have four 5K Goldstar units.
Sweating and swearing while on the road, the voltage cannot maintain a 13.5K unit. Most of the time I cannot hear the neighbors curse me out. The Goldstars are 10.7 EER. They cost $42.95 each at Fry's Electronics in 1997. The price is not a misprint.
Jun-04-2018 04:50 PM
Jun-04-2018 04:41 PM
Jun-04-2018 04:37 PM
Jun-04-2018 04:35 PM
Jun-04-2018 04:26 PM
gbopp wrote:SoundGuy wrote:agesilaus wrote:
I looked at the jump starter page and saw NO mention of BTU capacity of the unit ...
Scroll down to Specifications and it says 5000 BTU.
It also shows under the 'pledges' that the estimated delivery is March 2017.
The OP said it comes out next year.:?