Forum Discussion

cannesdo's avatar
Jul 13, 2014

Smaller BTU air conditioner?

I noticed when looking at the schematics for my Alpenlite that there was an option for a 7100 btu A/C from the manufacturer, a non-ducted hallway ceiling unit. Does anyone make anything similar? Smallest I'm finding is 1350 btu. If there is a junction box there I can add one myself, yes?
  • I bought the high efficiency Dometic so I can run it with my Honda 2000. It also works great off a regular home outlet. More people should look into this. It replaced an 11,000 btu old unit that died.
  • Years ago they made a 7100-11,000-13,500 ONLY.Then due to demand and the smaller units could not adequately (7100) cool any size RV they dropped the 7100. Now they offer 11,000-13,500- 15000 btu units. They ALL fit they same size 14 inch by 14 inch cutout in the roof. So, any AC unit you want will fit your roof top cutout. Doug
  • MrWizard wrote:
    smallest i ever heard of was 9000BTU polar cub

    Ok, thanks...yeah I found that one. Does it just fit into the square hole and plug into the junction box?
  • the biggest roof top A/C .. i know of is 15,000 BTU
    anything bigger is a basement mounted unit with "duct work" similar too a residential