What year is your RV? It all depends on what they meant by "pre-wired for solar" the year it was made.
Our 2003 Komfort (later got combined with Dutchmen before Keystone killed off both) had #8 pairs that met under the kitchen counter. One pair was hanging in the fridge vent and was supposed to be hauled up to the roof to go on the panels you got, while the other pair went to the battery compartment out front.
That meant they expected the controller (you got) was to go between these pairs under the kitchen counter. Of course that is wrong--you want the controller close to the batteries.
So, I joined the pairs under the kitchen counter so it was one long pair of #8 from roof to battery compartment up front, and put the controller near the batteries and added some short #8 to go from controller to battery bank. Worked great! Gottaluv solar! :)