High wattage Power Inverters and a couple of solar panels don't do well together.
To be able to run a 2000Watt Inverter you will need to have 12VDC at 175AMPS DC Current PLUS to operate it.
A typical 120WATT Solar Panel will only produce around 5-6 AMPS DC Current when in the high sun.
This will take many many solar panels to operate a 2000WATT Inverter.
Our thoughts are only to use solar panel to re-charge our battery bank when in the high sun and then the large battery battery bank will operate the 2000 Watt Power Inverter.
Keep in mind you will only have high sun for just a few hours so you will want enough DC Current available to bring a battery up from its 50% to 90% charge in a three hour time run or so. Each battery in your battery bank will want to see 14.4VDC with the capacity of 17-20AMPS DC Current to be able to charge each battery in the bank from their 50% charge state to their 90% charge state in a three hour time frame.
I would want at least enough solar panels to give me 14.4VDC with a capacity of 20AMPS DC Current feeding my battery bank. In the six hour average high sun time each day I would be able to at least re-charge a couple of my batteries to their 90% charge state.
Just some things to think about when planning your solar system. 5-6 DC AMPS capacity from each panel is not really alot of charging current.
My 255AH battery bank will demand a good 53AMPS DC CURRENT when first hit with 14.4VDC from the charge source and then this starts tapering back. By the end of the first hour of charging it is usually down to around 6-8AMPS DC current demand where the solar panels will finish off the daily charge to the 90% charge state pretty easy. The trick is going to be how do you get the initial 53 DC AMPS initial charge going. In my case this will require me to run my 2KW Generator for the first hour then let the solar panels finish the 90% charge state time. My OFF-ROAD POPUP trailer only has room on its roof for three 120WATT Solar Panels...
My 12VDC runs off my batteries is around 20AMPS DC current from 6PM to 10PM each evening and then I also have around 1-2 AMPS parasitic drain 24/7. My 255AH battery setup will drain down to around 12.0VDC by 8AM each morning when I am allowed to run my 2KW generator to start my re-charge back up to the 90% charge state. Having the three solar panels will reduce my use of the generator down to only one hour a day. If I don't get my batteries back up to their 90% charge state before I start using the batteries again then I run into losing my batteries before 10PM each evening.
Food for thought here...
Roy Ken