dougrainer wrote:
ljr wrote:
Just to close the loop....
I ended up calling a repair service. He replaced the manifold and the gas line to the pilot and all is well.
Along the way I learned that there are 3 different manifolds installed on this model. Which one you have determines which pilot you need. In the end that didn't matter to me since the pilot wasn't my problem.
FYI for my fellow technically impared RVers: The manifold is the doohickey behind the oven temperature control knob.
Sorry, but your problem will come back. Replacing a Manifold and the tube had NO bearing on your problem. ALL those 2 items do is allow gas to flow, nothing else. Your problem IS the pilot assbly. Doug
You obviously know more about this than I but its definitely working now. I tried a couple things that consistently failed before. The part number you suggested didn't fit.