Forum Discussion

BobsYourUncle's avatar
Oct 15, 2023

Take apart signal lite switch? - Hi beam on with right turn

Truck in sig, 2007 GMC Classic:

I have the most annoying issue with my signal light switch. When I flip it on to turn right, my high beams come on and of course I flash everyone in front of me. If I grab the lever, pull it towards me a bit, it stops. Totally frustrating...:M
Truck has 469,000 K on the odometer, almost broke in now!

This happens when the truck is cold, first started up and driving. Once the cab has been up to temperature, it typically stops.

Question is for you all, has anyone tried disassembling the signal light switch? Are there screws to take it apart? I like fixing stuff instead of replacing it.

I know I can buy a new one for a small fortune and just replace it, but I'd like to try fixing it. That's just how I work... I have to take the airbag out, steering wheel off, ignition switch out and more just to get at the blinkin thing.

I'll likely wind up buying a new one, I know, but just thought I'd ask.

What a lot of work and a total pain in the adams apple to change the switch out.