Hey guys, So I still haven't figured it out. I tightened some wire nuts and got the 12v supply to give 12v. However whenever I go to test at the wire nut junction on the furnace RED, T-RED, +BLUE and 12v+ wire nut it is reading 1.5v until i remove the 12v+ wire then it reads 13.6v on the 12v+ wire. So there is an immediate voltage drop whenever I join all of the wires together. I tried jumping the 2 blue wires together but the furnace does not kick on. I also tried putting a jumper wire from my fuse box to supply 12v (or more accurately 13.7) to my thermostat. Whenever I did that My ac kicked on when set to cool, but my Furnace would not kick on. So to me that shows that the Thermostat and rooftop AC unit are both functioning. Which leads me to be believe that there is a wiring issue or connection issue or something in the furnace since the 12v is starting there and moving from the furnace to the thermostat and the ac. I am sort of at my wits end.