KJINTF wrote:
Hi Guys
Sure appreciate the comments and suggestions
This Jeep is my baby - It's a Jeep thing that many do not or can not undsertand
Have had 20 or more Jeeps over the years but this one has been the best ever.
Check out the WJ Overland - only thing missing are the cooling seats which the newer ones have. All of them have the heated seats rain sensors TPMS system dual IR controlled climate system etc... along with a 4 wheel drive systen that can put 100% of the engine torque to any tire any time.
Purchased it new in November 2001 and have done 100% of the maintainance on it from day one myself.
The Jeep is sitting on my 4 post 14Klb capable hoist in a climate and dust controlled work shop. Before you ask yes the shop includes a frig with cold beverage and a nice stereo system as well as a few large HDTV's.
A broken part inside the tranny is a VERY BIG concern the way I am thinking.
It was not there 10 years ago when I last had it opened up
Just got through removing the valve body assembly and looking at the accumulator springs - none of them that small. The yet to arrive "kit" includes new accumulator seals and springs. Took the 6 pack solinoid assemby apart (wow what a pain to get the two halfs back together) all springs inside were in good shape with no signs of any internal issues.
Still wondering where that small broken spring came from???????
This issue will keep me up at night - watched 3 hours of Chrysler training videos on the tranny thsi morning - kept my Tech Connect subscription active helps with getting updated Flash files for the DRBIII
The broken piece measures
0.33" width
0.13" heigh
and looks as if just less than 2 full turns broke off the larger spring
Yes, but look at the ends of the spring, and take pictures of it and post them up of the ends... the question is HOW DID IT BREAK?