Old & Slow wrote:
I also have the same meter. The right side of the meter is the load side (battery) and the left side is the Source (panel) The switch is needed in battery side so as to Disconnect the battery power (Red) for two seconds to reset for data readout. I've read the two reds are tied together in the meter. Hmm lot's of fun
I have my Watt Meter just handing below the MPPT controller in the shop connected to my 24v/120w Cynergy Panel and two 12v batts in series.
My Watt Meter was mfg for SUN-BORN Energy by Turnigy It's on EBay at $42.95 plus shipping.
Yeah, I watched a bad, boring youtube video where the guy took one apart, and the reds are both soldered to one point. It probably has a shunt on the negative side, and does the math from that and the volt readings.
I got Mr. Wizard's part about using the switch to reset, but wasn't sure about his wording on the overall hookup. Now I get it, assuming you and he are describing the same thing. Well, I've got one coming, although from where I have no idea, lol. I don't know if it's going to take 5 days or 5 weeks.