When I took the readings on Jan. 23rd, the ambient temp was about 35*F. So when corrected, the batts were actually in the 1.265 - 1.280 range. Back in October, after I did the EQ on A1 and A2, and then a regular charge cycle to NEAR full, at 14.8v, the SG's were at;
A1 1.280, 1.275, 1.275.
A2 1.275, 1.275, 1.275.
At true full, they would read a little higher than that.
So it does look as though a few cells were somewhat on the low side, on Jan 23rd... 1.265 vs. 1.275-1.280
I think before I pull everything back apart, I'll do a long 8 hour charge at the proper T.C. voltage, and then pull things apart. Then I will know how each individual batt responds, and for sure if there's one bad batt. If they all hold their own over a couple of weeks, then I'll be looking for another explanation.
It just seems rather odd to me, though, that this all happened immediately after re-wiring everything with the new bus bars. I did add the Trimetric back into the mix this time (turned off), as well as those two cables to where the charger would go, but neither of those things should have any negative effect on resting ocv.
I was really hoping to just be done with the batts for a while, as I need the bed (which is above the cabinet) for storage space. So, this is really throwing a wrench into my plans. Oh well, grin 'n' bear.