Thought I should mention, even well after lowering charging voltage from 15+v to 14.6v, there was gentle bubbling/gassing going on... probably a result of increased electrolyte temperature, regardless of low surrounding ambient temps. So isn't that the best indicator of sufficient charging voltage?
Can I use a basic glass thermometer for checking electrolyte temp? If so, are there any available in the required temp range?
( ... I was looking at S.S. ones, but I highly doubt it's a good idea to stick a metal probe down into the cell.)
I ask because surrounding temps seem to be too misleading. For example, Thursday (2 days ago) I pre-warmed the cabinet and batts, and maintained a 45-50F surrounding temp, from below and around the bank. I charged at 15v for about 6 1/2 hours, and was able to maintain gassing throughout (will add exact details later).